Why Choose Us
- Dr. Nebeker is Board Certified in Dental Sleep Medicine
- We Place Patients First
- We Are On Time for Appointments
- In House Medical Billing
- Very Caring Compassionate Staff
- Dr. Nebeker is a Diplomat of The American Academy Of Dental Sleep Medicine
- Dr. Nebeker Has Authored & Published Scientific Articles on Sleep Apnea
- Dr. Nebeker is a Sought After Speaker In The Medical & Dental Fields
- Sole Provider for Some HMO Groups
More Energy Than Ever
“Every afternoon I needed a nap. I couldn’t sleep for long periods of time at night. I had high blood pressure. Dr. Schlott suggested a sleep study. I found I had sleep apnea. He made me an appliance, and after a few adjustments I slept better at night. I didn’t need an afternoon nap. And my blood pressure went down, especially in the morning. Thank you, Dr. Schlott.” WS
I Don’t Need Naps!
“I had a CPAP and used it. But I was still tired. Dr. Schlott made me an appliance and I use it with my CPAP. Now I have more energy than ever.” DC
Thank you, Dr. Schlott
“I was suffered with sleep apnea. But my biggest problem was snoring. I had throat surgery and still snored. My wife couldn’t sleep. In fact she was in a minor car accident because she dozed at the wheel. The night before the accident she couldn’t sleep because I was snoring, and she was in a different room! Dr. Schlott made me an appliance and now I don’t snore, and my wife and I now sleep together!” RH
Get a Revolutionary “Oral Appliance“
Do you have a problem with snoring? Do you wake up with headaches, choking or gasping, dry mouth, or other issues? If so, you may have a sleeping issue that our team at OC Snoring & Sleep Apnea Center can treat. Sleep apnea is a common problem, but getting a CPAP machine may not be the ideal solution. You now have an Option, with more than 35 years of experience, we offer effective and customized solutions to common sleeping conditions. Maybe you are CPAP Intolerant. You have other options and we are dedicated to helping you and your loved ones breathe easier and get a good night’s sleep. Learn more about the ” FDA Approved Oral Appliance” and schedule your free initial sleep consultation by calling us at (714) 529-5921 today!
We treat a variety of sleep disorders, including:
Putting Our Patients First!
At OC Snoring & Sleep Apnea Center, our staff is comprised of medical and dental sleep medicine practitioners who are highly experienced and knowledgeable with respect to the treatment of sleep disorders. We always put our patients first by developing deep empathy for their concerns, providing attentive care, meeting individual needs, and ensuring that their experience with us is as pleasant and comfortable as possible. Our center offers in-house billing and is always available at the time of your appointment. Dr. Schlott is a standout in his field and a Diplomat of the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine. In addition to this, he has authored and published scientific articles on sleep apnea and is a sought-after speaker in the medical and dental fields on the issue of sleep disorders.Treatment Options That Are Customized to Your Unique Needs
Whatever specific problems you may be dealing with, OC Snoring & Sleep Apnea Center is here to help. During your free sleep consultation, we gain a better understanding of your symptoms and complications to provide treatment options that are customized to your unique needs. Contact us at (714) 529-5921 to schedule a consultation.We Accept Medicare & Most PPO's